11 - Mexico City, Mexico, cob 2 escudos, (1715J), from the 1715 Fleet. S-M30; KM-53.2; CT-351. 6.6 grams.Sedwick & Associates, LLC
Mexico City, Mexico, cob 2 escudos, (1715J), from the 1715 Fleet. S-M30; KM-53.2; CT-351. 6.6 grams. Bold strike with full shield and crown and cross
Bidding Has ConcludedEstimate : 1,500.00 - 2,250.00
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12 - Mexico City, Mexico, cob 2 escudos, (1715J), from the 1715 Fleet. S-M30; KM-53.2; CT-351. 6.7 grams.Sedwick & Associates, LLC
Mexico City, Mexico, cob 2 escudos, (1715J), from the 1715 Fleet. S-M30; KM-53.2; CT-351. 6.7 grams. Choice full crown and cross-and-tressure, most of
Bidding Has ConcludedEstimate : 1,500.00 - 2,250.00
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13 - Mexico City, Mexico, cob 1 escudo, Charles II, assayer not visible (L, 1690s). S-M29; KM-50. 3.4 graSedwick & Associates, LLC
Mexico City, Mexico, cob 1 escudo, Charles II, assayer not visible (L, 1690s). S-M29; KM-50. 3.4 grams. VF with much flatness but most of shield and c
Bidding Has ConcludedEstimate : 1,000.00 - 1,500.00
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14 - Mexico City, Mexico, cob 1 escudo, Philip V, assayer not visible (style of 1702-10). KM-51.1. 3.3 grSedwick & Associates, LLC
Mexico City, Mexico, cob 1 escudo, Philip V, assayer not visible (style of 1702-10). KM-51.1. 3.3 grams. Bold full shield and nearly full cross (well
Bidding Has ConcludedEstimate : 1,250.00 - 2,000.00
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15 - Mexico City, Mexico, cob 1 escudo, Philip V, assayer J, style of 1705-10, from the 1715 Fleet, encapSedwick & Associates, LLC
Mexico City, Mexico, cob 1 escudo, Philip V, assayer J, style of 1705-10, from the 1715 Fleet, encapsulated NGC AU 50. S-M30; KM-51.1. Lustrous Mint
Bidding Has ConcludedEstimate : 1,000.00 - 1,500.00
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16 - Mexico City, Mexico, cob 1 escudo, (17)12(J), mintmark oXM, from the 1715 Fleet, with original salvaSedwick & Associates, LLC
Mexico City, Mexico, cob 1 escudo, (17)12(J), mintmark oXM, from the 1715 Fleet, with original salvage tag. S-M30; KM-51.2; CT-507. 3.3 grams. Good fu
Bidding Has ConcludedEstimate : 1,500.00 - 2,250.00
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17 - Mexico City, Mexico, cob 1 escudo, (17)14(J), from the 1715 Fleet. S-M30; KM-51.2; CT-510. 3.3 gramsSedwick & Associates, LLC
Mexico City, Mexico, cob 1 escudo, (17)14(J), from the 1715 Fleet. S-M30; KM-51.2; CT-510. 3.3 grams. Bold 4 of date, choice full cross-and-tressure a
Bidding Has ConcludedEstimate : 2,000.00 - 3,000.00
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18 - Mexico City, Mexico, cob 1 escudo, (171)4J, from the 1715 Fleet. S-M30; KM-51.2; CT-510. 3.3 grams.Sedwick & Associates, LLC
Mexico City, Mexico, cob 1 escudo, (171)4J, from the 1715 Fleet. S-M30; KM-51.2; CT-510. 3.3 grams. Lustrous Mint State with bold full shield, bottom
Bidding Has ConcludedEstimate : 1,000.00 - 1,500.00
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19 - Lima, Peru, cob 8 escudos, 1709M, from the 1715 Fleet. S-L28; KM-38.1; CT-20. 27.1 grams. Full but sSedwick & Associates, LLC
Lima, Peru, cob 8 escudos, 1709M, from the 1715 Fleet. S-L28; KM-38.1; CT-20. 27.1 grams. Full but slightly doubled pillars-and-waves, nice full cross
Bidding Has ConcludedEstimate : 6,000.00 - 9,000.00
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20 - Lima, Peru, cob 8 escudos, 1711M, from the 1715 Fleet. S-L28; KM-38.2; CT-22. 26.9 grams. Good fullSedwick & Associates, LLC
Lima, Peru, cob 8 escudos, 1711M, from the 1715 Fleet. S-L28; KM-38.2; CT-22. 26.9 grams. Good full cross-lions-castles and pillars-and-waves (both we
Bidding Has ConcludedEstimate : 6,000.00 - 9,000.00
To View Winning Bid