1061 - Potosi, Bolivia, cob 8 reales, 1761V-Y-V, encapsulated NGC VF 25.Sedwick & Associates, LLC
Potosi, Bolivia, cob 8 reales, 1761V-Y-V, encapsulated NGC VF 25. S-P57; KM-45; CT-947. 27 grams. Full pillars, nearly full cross, two bold dates and
Bidding Has ConcludedEstimate : 250.00 - 375.00
To View Winning Bid
1067 - Potosi, Bolivia, cob 8 reales, 1766V-Y-V, ex-Almanzar.Sedwick & Associates, LLC
Potosi, Bolivia, cob 8 reales, 1766V-Y-V, ex-Almanzar. S-P57; KM-45; CT-953. 27.09 grams. Roundish flan with heart-like point (and aligned axis), thre
Bidding Has ConcludedStart Price : 250.00 | Estimate : 250.00 - 375.00
1070 - Potosi, Bolivia, cob 8 reales, 1766V-Y.Sedwick & Associates, LLC
Potosi, Bolivia, cob 8 reales, 1766V-Y. S-P57; KM-45; CT-953. 26.77 grams. Two clear dates, good full cross, full backwards N in ANO, richly toned VF.
Bidding Has ConcludedEstimate : 200.00 - 300.00
To View Winning Bid
1071 - Potosi, Bolivia, cob 8 reales, 1767V-(Y).Sedwick & Associates, LLC
Potosi, Bolivia, cob 8 reales, 1767V-(Y). S-P57; KM-45; CT-954. 26.97 grams. Chunky but bold, with full cross, off-center pillars, two dates and assay
Bidding Has ConcludedEstimate : 200.00 - 300.00
To View Winning Bid
1077 - Potosi, Bolivia, cob 4 reales, 1655E, PH at top.Sedwick & Associates, LLC
Potosi, Bolivia, cob 4 reales, 1655E, PH at top. S-P37a; KM-18; CT-743, 747. 13.16 grams. Choice full pillars and nearly full cross with dark, contras
Bidding Has ConcludedEstimate : 175.00 - 250.00
To View Winning Bid
1079 - Potosi, Bolivia, cob 4 reales, 1664E.Sedwick & Associates, LLC
Potosi, Bolivia, cob 4 reales, 1664E. S-P37a; KM-18; CT-756. 13.56 grams. Broad flan with some bold legend including date and king's ordinal III...
Bidding Has ConcludedEstimate : 175.00 - 250.00
To View Winning Bid
1080 - Potosi, Bolivia, cob 4 reales, 1665E.Sedwick & Associates, LLC
Potosi, Bolivia, cob 4 reales, 1665E. S-P37a; KM-18; CT-757. 12.33 grams. Full cross and pillars-and-waves, two dates and assayers and mintmarks, Fine
Bidding Has ConcludedEstimate : 150.00 - 225.00
To View Winning Bid
1081 - Potosi, Bolivia, cob 4 reales, 1669E.Sedwick & Associates, LLC
Potosi, Bolivia, cob 4 reales, 1669E. S-P37b; KM-25; CT-494. 12.74 grams. Full pillars with bold date, off-center cross with bold assayer, toned Fine+
Bidding Has ConcludedEstimate : 150.00 - 225.00
To View Winning Bid
1084 - Potosi, Bolivia, cob 4 reales, 1688VR.Sedwick & Associates, LLC
Potosi, Bolivia, cob 4 reales, 1688VR. S-P40; KM-25; CT-516. 13.73 grams. Huge, odd-shaped flan with choice full pillars, full cross, deeply toned all
Bidding Has ConcludedStart Price : 400.00 | Estimate : 400.00 - 600.00
1086 - Potosi, Bolivia, cob 4 reales, 1698F.Sedwick & Associates, LLC
Potosi, Bolivia, cob 4 reales, 1698F. S-P42; KM-25; CT-528. 12.78 grams. Choice full pillars, good full cross, three full assayers, AVF with toned fie
Bidding Has ConcludedEstimate : 350.00 - 500.00
To View Winning Bid
1088 - Potosi, Bolivia, cob 4 reales Royal, 1703Y, rare.Sedwick & Associates, LLC
Potosi, Bolivia, cob 4 reales Royal, 1703Y, rare. S-P43a; KM-R30; CT-1066. 12.92 grams. Typically round and of relatively even thickness, with full in
Bidding Has ConcludedEstimate : 2,000.00 - 3,000.00
To View Winning Bid
1090 - Potosi, Bolivia, cob 4 reales, 1713Y.Sedwick & Associates, LLC
Potosi, Bolivia, cob 4 reales, 1713Y. S-P43a; KM-30; CT-1094. 13.59 grams. Curiously squarish flan with sharp points, attributable but about 80% flat
Bidding Has ConcludedEstimate : 125.00 - 200.00
To View Winning Bid
1091 - Potosi, Bolivia, cob 4 reales, 1716Y.Sedwick & Associates, LLC
Potosi, Bolivia, cob 4 reales, 1716Y. S-P43a; KM-30; CT-1097. 11.78 grams. Good full cross, two dates despite 70% flatness (impossible to grade accura
Bidding Has ConcludedEstimate : 200.00 - 300.00
To View Winning Bid
1092 - Potosi, Bolivia, cob 4 reales, 1735E.Sedwick & Associates, LLC
Potosi, Bolivia, cob 4 reales, 1735E. S-P46; KM-30a; CT-1117. 13.46 grams. Choice full cross and pillars, well centered, richly toned VF, roundish fla
Bidding Has ConcludedEstimate : 200.00 - 300.00
To View Winning Bid
1093 - Potosi, Bolivia, cob 4 reales, 1736E, encapsulated NGC VF 35.Sedwick & Associates, LLC
Potosi, Bolivia, cob 4 reales, 1736E, encapsulated NGC VF 35. S-P46; KM-30a; CT-1118. 13.56 grams. Deeply toned, with full pillars and cross (the latt
Bidding Has ConcludedEstimate : 250.00 - 375.00
To View Winning Bid
1094 - Potosi, Bolivia, cob 4 reales, 1736E.Sedwick & Associates, LLC
Potosi, Bolivia, cob 4 reales, 1736E. S-P46; KM-30a; CT-1118. 13.04 grams. Compact (chunky) flan with choice full pillars, full but cruder cross, nice
Bidding Has ConcludedEstimate : 200.00 - 300.00
To View Winning Bid
1095 - Potosi, Bolivia, cob 4 reales, 1737M.Sedwick & Associates, LLC
Potosi, Bolivia, cob 4 reales, 1737M. S-P47; KM-30a; CT-1120. 13.05 grams. Chunky flan with crude edge (as made), full pillars and nice full cross, tw
Bidding Has ConcludedEstimate : 250.00 - 375.00
To View Winning Bid
1096 - Potosi, Bolivia, cob 4 reales, 1739M.Sedwick & Associates, LLC
Potosi, Bolivia, cob 4 reales, 1739M. S-P47; KM-30a; CT-1122. 13.23 grams. Good full pillars with bold date and assayer, off-center cross with second
Bidding Has ConcludedEstimate : 250.00 - 375.00
To View Winning Bid
1097 - Potosi, Bolivia, cob 4 reales, 1740M.Sedwick & Associates, LLC
Potosi, Bolivia, cob 4 reales, 1740M. S-P47; KM-30a; CT-1123. 13.44 grams. Full pillars-and-waves, nearly full cross, two dates, three assayers, nicel
Bidding Has ConcludedEstimate : 200.00 - 300.00
To View Winning Bid
1098 - Potosi, Bolivia, cob 4 reales, 1740M.Sedwick & Associates, LLC
Potosi, Bolivia, cob 4 reales, 1740M. S-P47; KM-30a; CT-1123. 13.39 grams. Bold full cross and pillars-and-waves, two bold dates, chunky VF with toned
Bidding Has ConcludedEstimate : 200.00 - 300.00
To View Winning Bid
1099 - Potosi, Bolivia, cob 4 reales, 1742P.Sedwick & Associates, LLC
Potosi, Bolivia, cob 4 reales, 1742P. S-P48; KM-30a; CT-1126. 13.46 grams. Full but doubled pillars-and-waves with clear date, full cross with second
Bidding Has ConcludedEstimate : 200.00 - 300.00
To View Winning Bid
1100 - Potosi, Bolivia, cob 4 reales, 1742C.Sedwick & Associates, LLC
Potosi, Bolivia, cob 4 reales, 1742C. S-P49; KM-30a; CT-1127. 13.39 grams. Very chunky flan (crude edge, as made), with full but partially flat pillar
Bidding Has ConcludedEstimate : 200.00 - 300.00
To View Winning Bid
1102 - Potosi, Bolivia, cob 4 reales, 1748q.Sedwick & Associates, LLC
Potosi, Bolivia, cob 4 reales, 1748q. S-P50a; KM-39; CT-435. 13.48 grams. Nice but low-contrast full pillars and cross, clear date and two assayers (c
Bidding Has ConcludedEstimate : 200.00 - 300.00
To View Winning Bid
1103 - Potosi, Bolivia, cob 4 reales, 1750q.Sedwick & Associates, LLC
Potosi, Bolivia, cob 4 reales, 1750q. S-P50a; KM-39. 13.42 grams. Good full cross, one pillar complete and bold with clear date and assayer, chunky XF
Bidding Has ConcludedEstimate : 200.00 - 300.00
To View Winning Bid
1104 - Potosi, Bolivia, cob 4 reales, 1750q.Sedwick & Associates, LLC
Potosi, Bolivia, cob 4 reales, 1750q. S-P50a; KM-39. 12.74 grams. Full pillars and cross, low-relief XF with no toning, three mintmarks and assayers.
Bidding Has ConcludedEstimate : 200.00 - 300.00
To View Winning Bid
1112 - Potosi, Bolivia, cob 2 reales, 1657E.Sedwick & Associates, LLC
Potosi, Bolivia, cob 2 reales, 1657E. S-P37a; KM-16; CT-905. 6.90 grams. Choice, Royal-like specimen with 100% full pillars-and-waves and cross-lions-
Bidding Has ConcludedEstimate : 200.00 - 300.00
To View Winning Bid
1113 - Lot of seven Potosi, Bolivia, cob 2 reales of Philip IV, assayer E, all dated, as follows: 1654, 165Sedwick & Associates, LLC
Lot of seven Potosi, Bolivia, cob 2 reales of Philip IV, assayer E, all dated, as follows: 1654, 1655 (2), 1657, 1658 (2), 1663. S-P37a; KM-16. 41.80
Bidding Has ConcludedEstimate : 600.00 - 900.00
To View Winning Bid
1114 - Near-complete date-run of 13 Potosi, Bolivia, cob 2 reales of Philip IV, assayer E, as follows: 1653Sedwick & Associates, LLC
Near-complete date-run of 13 Potosi, Bolivia, cob 2 reales of Philip IV, assayer E, as follows: 1653, 1654, 1655, 1656, 1657, 1658, 1659, 1661, 1662,
Bidding Has ConcludedEstimate : 1,000.00 - 1,500.00
To View Winning Bid
1116 - Complete date-run of 11 Potosi, Bolivia, cob 2 reales of assayer E under Charles II, as follows: 166Sedwick & Associates, LLC
Complete date-run of 11 Potosi, Bolivia, cob 2 reales of assayer E under Charles II, as follows: 1668, 1669, 1670, 1671, 1672, 1673, 1674, 1675, 1676,
Bidding Has ConcludedEstimate : 900.00 - 1,350.00
To View Winning Bid
1117 - Potosi, Bolivia, cob 2 reales, 1682V.Sedwick & Associates, LLC
Potosi, Bolivia, cob 2 reales, 1682V. S-P39; KM-24; CT-611. 6.67 grams. Choice full pillars-and-waves and cross-lions-castles, three bold dates and as
Bidding Has ConcludedEstimate : 150.00 - 225.00
To View Winning Bid
1118 - Potosi, Bolivia, cob 2 reales, 1683V.Sedwick & Associates, LLC
Potosi, Bolivia, cob 2 reales, 1683V. S-P39; KM-24; CT-612. 6.14 grams. Very broad (thin) flan with choice and 100% full inner details and much legend
Bidding Has ConcludedEstimate : 200.00 - 300.00
To View Winning Bid
1119 - Potosi, Bolivia, cob 2 reales, 1684V.Sedwick & Associates, LLC
Potosi, Bolivia, cob 2 reales, 1684V. S-P39; KM-24; CT-613. 6.33 grams. Broad flan with much legend including full 1684 date and CAROLVS, nice full cr
Bidding Has ConcludedEstimate : 175.00 - 250.00
To View Winning Bid
1133 - Potosi, Bolivia, cob 2 reales, 1697CH, rare.Sedwick & Associates, LLC
Potosi, Bolivia, cob 2 reales, 1697CH, rare. S-P41; KM-24; CT-629. 5.86 grams. Three clear assayers and two dates, nearly full pillars and cross, ligh
Bidding Has ConcludedEstimate : 175.00 - 250.00
To View Winning Bid
1134 - Lot of ten Potosi, Bolivia, cob 2 reales of Charles II, all dated, as follows: 1669E, 1679C, 1679V, Sedwick & Associates, LLC
Lot of ten Potosi, Bolivia, cob 2 reales of Charles II, all dated, as follows: 1669E, 1679C, 1679V, 1684V, 1686VR, 1688VR, 1690VR, 1692VR, 1696VR, 169
Bidding Has ConcludedEstimate : 900.00 - 1,350.00
To View Winning Bid
1135 - Potosi, Bolivia, cob 2 reales, 1699F.Sedwick & Associates, LLC
Potosi, Bolivia, cob 2 reales, 1699F. S-P42; KM-24; CT-632. 6.90 grams. Choice full pillars-and-waves and cross-lions-castles (the latter very slightl
Bidding Has ConcludedEstimate : 150.00 - 225.00
To View Winning Bid
1136 - Potosi, Bolivia, cob 2 reales, 1699F.Sedwick & Associates, LLC
Potosi, Bolivia, cob 2 reales, 1699F. S-P42; KM-24; CT-632. 6.31 grams. Choice full cross-lions-castles and pillars-and-waves (exceptional for this as
Bidding Has ConcludedEstimate : 150.00 - 225.00
To View Winning Bid
1137 - Lot of nine Potosi, Bolivia, cob 2 reales of Charles II, all dated, as follows: 1679C, 1680V, 1681V,Sedwick & Associates, LLC
Lot of nine Potosi, Bolivia, cob 2 reales of Charles II, all dated, as follows: 1679C, 1680V, 1681V, 1686VR, 1687VR, 1689VR, 1694VR, 1697VR and 1700F.
Bidding Has ConcludedEstimate : 800.00 - 1,200.00
To View Winning Bid
1138 - Lot of twelve Potosi, Bolivia, cob 2 reales of Philip V (pre-Louis I), assayer Y, all dated, as follSedwick & Associates, LLC
Lot of twelve Potosi, Bolivia, cob 2 reales of Philip V (pre-Louis I), assayer Y, all dated, as follows: 1702, 1703, 1704, 1705, 1706, 1707, 1708, 170
Bidding Has ConcludedEstimate : 900.00 - 1,350.00
To View Winning Bid
1139 - Potosi, Bolivia, cob 2 reales, 1717Y.Sedwick & Associates, LLC
Potosi, Bolivia, cob 2 reales, 1717Y. S-P43a; KM-29; CT-1339. 5.92 grams. Full pillars with bold date and assayer, nearly full cross with particularly
Bidding Has ConcludedEstimate : 80.00 - 120.00
To View Winning Bid
1140 - Potosi, Bolivia, cob 2 reales Royal, 1720Y, very rare.Sedwick & Associates, LLC
Potosi, Bolivia, cob 2 reales Royal, 1720Y, very rare. S-P43a; KM-unl (type R29); CT-1307. 6.26 grams. Perfectly round and fully detailed inside the l
Bidding Has ConcludedEstimate : 1,500.00 - 2,250.00
To View Winning Bid
1142 - Lot of three Potosi, Bolivia, cob 2 reales of Louis I (not visible), assayer Y, dated 1725, 1726 andSedwick & Associates, LLC
Lot of three Potosi, Bolivia, cob 2 reales of Louis I (not visible), assayer Y, dated 1725, 1726 and 1727. S-P43b; KM-34. 17.11 grams total. VG-F with
Bidding Has ConcludedStart Price : 240.00 | Estimate : 300.00 - 450.00
1143 - Potosi, Bolivia, cob 2 reales, 1732YA, rare.Sedwick & Associates, LLC
Potosi, Bolivia, cob 2 reales, 1732YA, rare. S-P45; KM-29a; CT-1354. 6.16 grams. Somewhat Royal-like flan (round and even in thickness), with full inn
Bidding Has ConcludedEstimate : 200.00 - 300.00
To View Winning Bid
1144 - Potosi, Bolivia, cob 2 reales, 1733YA, rare.Sedwick & Associates, LLC
Potosi, Bolivia, cob 2 reales, 1733YA, rare. S-P45; KM-29a; CT-1355. 6.53 grams. Full but slightly doubled pillars, bold but incomplete cross, two dat
Bidding Has ConcludedEstimate : 200.00 - 300.00
To View Winning Bid
1145 - Potosi, Bolivia, cob 2 reales, 1738/7M, unique.Sedwick & Associates, LLC
Potosi, Bolivia, cob 2 reales, 1738/7M, unique. S-P47; KM-unl (type 29a). 6.58 grams. Choice XF (non-toned, with muted luster) with bold full pillars
Bidding Has ConcludedEstimate : 200.00 - 300.00
To View Winning Bid
1146 - Lot of twelve Potosi, Bolivia, cob 2 reales, Philip V (post-Louis I), all dated, as follows: 1728M, Sedwick & Associates, LLC
Lot of twelve Potosi, Bolivia, cob 2 reales, Philip V (post-Louis I), all dated, as follows: 1728M, 1729M, 1730M, 1731M, 1732M, 1734E, 1735E, 1736E, 1
Bidding Has ConcludedEstimate : 900.00 - 1,350.00
To View Winning Bid
1147 - Potosi, Bolivia, cob 2 reales, 1742P.Sedwick & Associates, LLC
Potosi, Bolivia, cob 2 reales, 1742P. S-P48; KM-29a; CT-1368. 6.58 grams. Superb full cross-lions-castles, choice full pillars-and-waves, two dates an
Bidding Has ConcludedEstimate : 125.00 - 200.00
To View Winning Bid
1148 - Potosi, Bolivia, cob 2 reales, 1744C.Sedwick & Associates, LLC
Potosi, Bolivia, cob 2 reales, 1744C. S-P49; KM-29a; CT-1372. 6.66 grams. Non-toned XF+ with slightly crusty fields, full pillars and cross, two dates
Bidding Has ConcludedEstimate : 100.00 - 150.00
To View Winning Bid
1149 - Lot of ten Potosi, Bolivia, cob 2 reales, Philip V, all dated, as follows: 1740P, 1741P, 1742P, 1742Sedwick & Associates, LLC
Lot of ten Potosi, Bolivia, cob 2 reales, Philip V, all dated, as follows: 1740P, 1741P, 1742P, 1742C, 1743C, 1744C, 1744q, 1745q, 1746q and 1747q. KM
Bidding Has ConcludedEstimate : 750.00 - 1,100.00
To View Winning Bid
1150 - Potosi, Bolivia, cob 2 reales, 1755q.Sedwick & Associates, LLC
Potosi, Bolivia, cob 2 reales, 1755q. S-P54; KM-38; CT-516. 6.92 grams. XF+ with choice full pillars and cross-lions-castles, two full dates, two assa
Bidding Has ConcludedEstimate : 125.00 - 200.00
To View Winning Bid
1151 - Lot of twelve Potosi, Bolivia, cob 2 reales, Ferdinand VI, all dated, as follows: 1747q, 1748q, 1749Sedwick & Associates, LLC
Lot of twelve Potosi, Bolivia, cob 2 reales, Ferdinand VI, all dated, as follows: 1747q, 1748q, 1749q, 1750q, 1750E, 1751q, 1752q, 1754C, 1755q, 1756q
Bidding Has ConcludedEstimate : 750.00 - 1,100.00
To View Winning Bid
1152 - Potosi, Bolivia, cob 2 reales, 1768V-(Y), ex-ANS.Sedwick & Associates, LLC
Potosi, Bolivia, cob 2 reales, 1768V-(Y), ex-ANS. S-P57; KM-43; CT-1368. 6.64 grams. Nicely toned Fine+ with full pillars and most of cross, two dates
Bidding Has ConcludedEstimate : 90.00 - 135.00
To View Winning Bid
1153 - Potosi, Bolivia, cob 2 reales, 1770/69V-Y, rare.Sedwick & Associates, LLC
Potosi, Bolivia, cob 2 reales, 1770/69V-Y, rare. S-P57; KM-43; CT-1370. 6.51 grams. Nearly full pillars and cross, two dates (the one between pillars
Bidding Has ConcludedEstimate : 100.00 - 150.00
To View Winning Bid
1154 - Potosi, Bolivia, cob 2 reales, 1773V, with assayer at top right and bottom right, very rare.Sedwick & Associates, LLC
Potosi, Bolivia, cob 2 reales, 1773V, with assayer at top right and bottom right, very rare. S-P59; KM-unl (type 43). 6.39 grams. Neat piece with elon
Bidding Has ConcludedEstimate : 200.00 - 300.00
To View Winning Bid
1155 - Lot of eleven Potosi, Bolivia, cob 2 reales of Charles III, all dated, assayers V-Y (where visible),Sedwick & Associates, LLC
Lot of eleven Potosi, Bolivia, cob 2 reales of Charles III, all dated, assayers V-Y (where visible), as follows: 1760, 1761, 1762, 1763, 1765, 1766, 1
Bidding Has ConcludedEstimate : 700.00 - 1,000.00
To View Winning Bid
1156 - Lot of nine Potosi, Bolivia, cob 2 reales of Charles III, all dated, assayers V-Y (where visible), aSedwick & Associates, LLC
Lot of nine Potosi, Bolivia, cob 2 reales of Charles III, all dated, assayers V-Y (where visible), as follows: 1760, 1761, 1762, 1763, 1765, 1766, 176
Bidding Has ConcludedStart Price : 500.00 | Estimate : 600.00 - 900.00
1157 - Lot of nine Potosi, Bolivia, cob 2 reales of Charles III, all dated, assayers V-Y (where visible), aSedwick & Associates, LLC
Lot of nine Potosi, Bolivia, cob 2 reales of Charles III, all dated, assayers V-Y (where visible), as follows: 1760, 1762, 1763, 1765, 1766 (2), 1768,
Bidding Has ConcludedEstimate : 600.00 - 900.00
To View Winning Bid
1158 - Lot of ten Potosi, Bolivia, cob 2 reales, various dates and assayers (all visible): 1671E, 1679C, 16Sedwick & Associates, LLC
Lot of ten Potosi, Bolivia, cob 2 reales, various dates and assayers (all visible): 1671E, 1679C, 1683V, 1707Y, 1717Y, 1727Y, 1736E (2), 1747q and 175
Bidding Has ConcludedEstimate : 700.00 - 1,000.00
To View Winning Bid