1069 - Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic, 4 reales, Charles-Joanna, assayer F to left, extremely rare.Sedwick & Associates, LLC
Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic, 4 reales, Charles-Joanna, assayer F to left, extremely rare. S-SD1; KM-unl CT-unl. 11.42 grams. Bold legends and cl
Bidding Has ConcludedEstimate : 4,000.00 - 8,000.00
To View Winning Bid
1070 - Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic, copper 4 maravedis, Emperor Charles V (Charles I of Spain), assaySedwick & Associates, LLC
Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic, copper 4 maravedis, Emperor Charles V (Charles I of Spain), assayer F below lion, very rare. S-SD1. 5.14 grams. Wel
Bidding Has ConcludedEstimate : 175.00 - 250.00
To View Winning Bid
1071 - Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic, copper 4 maravedis, Charles-Joanna, assayer F, with key countermaSedwick & Associates, LLC
Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic, copper 4 maravedis, Charles-Joanna, assayer F, with key countermark (Santo Domingo, 1577, revaluation to 2 maravedi
Bidding Has ConcludedEstimate : 60.00 - 90.00
To View Winning Bid
1072 - Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic, copper 4 maravedís, Charles-Joanna, assayer not visible (F or oF)Sedwick & Associates, LLC
Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic, copper 4 maravedís, Charles-Joanna, assayer not visible (F or oF), with S countermark for Jamaica (1/11 real...
Bidding Has ConcludedEstimate : 60.00 - 90.00
To View Winning Bid
1074 - Panama, cob 4 reales, Philip II, assayer oB to left, mintmark-denomination AP-IIII to right, very raSedwick & Associates, LLC
Panama, cob 4 reales, Philip II, assayer oB to left, mintmark-denomination AP-IIII to right, very rare, Proctor Plate Coin. S-AP4; CT-341; KM-4. 11.68
Bidding Has ConcludedEstimate : 2,000.00 - 3,000.00
To View Winning Bid
1075 - Panama, cob 4 reales, Philip II, assayer oB to left, mintmark-denomination AP-IIII to right, very raSedwick & Associates, LLC
Panama, cob 4 reales, Philip II, assayer oB to left, mintmark-denomination AP-IIII to right, very rare, this specimen not listed in Proctor. S-AP4; CT
Bidding Has ConcludedEstimate : 2,000.00 - 3,000.00
To View Winning Bid
1076 - Bogota, Colombia, cob 8 reales, (16)27(P), rare.Sedwick & Associates, LLC
Bogota, Colombia, cob 8 reales, (16)27(P), rare. Restrepo-M44; S-B4; KM-3.3. 26.66 grams. Full crown and shield with NR mintmark to left and vertical
Bidding Has ConcludedStart Price : 1,600.00 | Estimate : 2,000.00 - 3,000.00
1077 - Bogota, Colombia, cob 8 reales, (16)28(P), rare.Sedwick & Associates, LLC
Bogota, Colombia, cob 8 reales, (16)28(P), rare. Restrepo-M44; S-B4; KM-3.3. 26.03 grams. Bold full date above full but doubled cross, nearly full and
Bidding Has ConcludedStart Price : 2,800.00 | Estimate : 3,500.00 - 5,000.00
1078 - Cartagena, Colombia, cob 8 reales, Philip IV, 162(?)E, mintmark-assayer RN-E to left, rare.Sedwick & Associates, LLC
Cartagena, Colombia, cob 8 reales, Philip IV, 162(?)E, mintmark-assayer RN-E to left, rare. Restrepo-M45; S-C3; KM-3.4. 26.20 grams. Very darkly toned
Bidding Has ConcludedEstimate : 1,000.00 - 1,500.00
To View Winning Bid
1079 - Bogota, Colombia, cob 8 reales, Philip IV, assayer not visible.Sedwick & Associates, LLC
Bogota, Colombia, cob 8 reales, Philip IV, assayer not visible. 27.22 grams. Good full cross and shield, bold denomination and most of king's n...
Bidding Has ConcludedEstimate : 350.00 - 500.00
To View Winning Bid
1080 - Cartagena, Colombia, cob 4 reales, (16)30E, RN-E to right, very rare, ex-Lasser.Sedwick & Associates, LLC
Cartagena, Colombia, cob 4 reales, (16)30E, RN-E to right, very rare, ex-Lasser. Restrepo-M36.4; S-C3; KM-2.4. 13.54 grams. Full 0 and clear bottom of
Bidding Has ConcludedEstimate : 700.00 - 1,000.00
To View Winning Bid
1081 - Bogota, Colombia, cob 2 reales, 1652R, R-N-R across middle, very rare, Restrepo Plate Coin.Sedwick & Associates, LLC
Bogota, Colombia, cob 2 reales, 1652R, R-N-R across middle, very rare, Restrepo Plate Coin. Restrepo-M31.2; S-B7; KM-6.3. 6.00 grams. Full date in leg
Bidding Has ConcludedEstimate : 1,250.00 - 2,000.00
To View Winning Bid
1082 - Cartagena or Bogota, Colombia, cob 1 real, Philip IV, assayer not visible.Sedwick & Associates, LLC
Cartagena or Bogota, Colombia, cob 1 real, Philip IV, assayer not visible. 2.31 grams. Full shield and cross, attributable to Colombia by style (most
Bidding Has ConcludedEstimate : 100.00 - 150.00
To View Winning Bid
1083 - Bogota, Colombia, cob 1/2 real, Philip IV, no assayer, quadrants of cross transposed and lions rotatSedwick & Associates, LLC
Bogota, Colombia, cob 1/2 real, Philip IV, no assayer, quadrants of cross transposed and lions rotated, rare. 1.52 grams. Very nice VF+ example with
Bidding Has ConcludedEstimate : 200.00 - 300.00
To View Winning Bid
1084 - Guatemala, cob 8 reales, 1741J.Sedwick & Associates, LLC
Guatemala, cob 8 reales, 1741J. S-G1; CT-600; KM-6. 27.31 grams. Choice, unholed Fine (very rare thus) with full date, nearly full pillars-and-globes,
Bidding Has ConcludedStart Price : 1,250.00 | Estimate : 1,250.00 - 2,000.00
1085 - Guatemala, cob 8 reales, 1752J.Sedwick & Associates, LLC
Guatemala, cob 8 reales, 1752J. S-G2; CT-284; KM-12. 26.91 grams. Choice specimen with full date below virtually full central design, bold full assaye
Bidding Has ConcludedEstimate : 750.00 - 1,500.00
To View Winning Bid
1086 - Guatemala, cob 4 reales, 1752J.Sedwick & Associates, LLC
Guatemala, cob 4 reales, 1752J. S-G2; CT-393; KM-11. 13.53 grams. Bold full date, one full pillar, nice but off-center shield with bold assayer, unhol
Bidding Has ConcludedEstimate : 200.00 - 300.00
To View Winning Bid
1087 - Guatemala, cob 4 reales, (1)752(?)J.Sedwick & Associates, LLC
Guatemala, cob 4 reales, (1)752(?)J. S-G2; CT-393; KM-11. 13.12 grams. Worn and holed but still quite appealing, with full globes and crown and one pi
Bidding Has ConcludedEstimate : 75.00 - 110.00
To View Winning Bid
1088 - Guatemala, cob 4 reales, 1753J.Sedwick & Associates, LLC
Guatemala, cob 4 reales, 1753J. S-G2; CT-394; KM-11. 12.65 grams. Full date and assayer, good central detail on both sides enhanced by contrasting ton
Bidding Has ConcludedEstimate : 150.00 - 225.00
To View Winning Bid
1089 - Guatemala, cob 1 real, 1733J, rare.Sedwick & Associates, LLC
Guatemala, cob 1 real, 1733J, rare. S-G1; CT-1455; KM-3. 3.12 grams. Nearly full pillars with bold full date below, choice full shield with bold assay
Bidding Has ConcludedEstimate : 100.00 - 150.00
To View Winning Bid
1092 - Seville, Spain (special issue for use in the New World), 1/2 real, Ferdinand-Isabel, mintmark S flanSedwick & Associates, LLC
Seville, Spain (special issue for use in the New World), 1/2 real, Ferdinand-Isabel, mintmark S flanking crowned F on reverse, early style with Gothic
Bidding Has ConcludedEstimate : 3,500.00 - 5,000.00
To View Winning Bid
1093 - Seville, Spain, 4 reales, Ferdinand-Isabel, assayer Gothic D on reverse.Sedwick & Associates, LLC
Seville, Spain, 4 reales, Ferdinand-Isabel, assayer Gothic D on reverse. CT-211. 13.27 grams. Full and well-detailed interiors and some legend, includ
Bidding Has ConcludedEstimate : 225.00 - 350.00
To View Winning Bid
1094 - Seville, Spain, 4 reales, Ferdinand-Isabel, assayer Gothic D on reverse.Sedwick & Associates, LLC
Seville, Spain, 4 reales, Ferdinand-Isabel, assayer Gothic D on reverse. CT-211. 13.23 grams. Choice full inner details, most of legends, VF with trac
Bidding Has ConcludedEstimate : 150.00 - 225.00
To View Winning Bid
1095 - Seville, Spain, 4 reales, Ferdinand-Isabel, assayer Gothic D on reverse.Sedwick & Associates, LLC
Seville, Spain, 4 reales, Ferdinand-Isabel, assayer Gothic D on reverse. CT-211. 13.67 grams. Bold full interior details on both sides, nearly full le
Bidding Has ConcludedEstimate : 150.00 - 225.00
To View Winning Bid
1096 - Seville, Spain, 2 reales, Ferdinand-Isabel, assayer Gothic D on reverse, mintmark S to right.Sedwick & Associates, LLC
Seville, Spain, 2 reales, Ferdinand-Isabel, assayer Gothic D on reverse, mintmark S to right. CT-263. 6.36 grams. Full interior details in XF grade bu
Bidding Has ConcludedEstimate : 225.00 - 350.00
To View Winning Bid
1097 - Granada, Spain, 2 reales, Ferdinand-Isabel, assayer R to right on reverse, mintmark G to left on botSedwick & Associates, LLC
Granada, Spain, 2 reales, Ferdinand-Isabel, assayer R to right on reverse, mintmark G to left on both obverse and reverse (unlisted variety). CT-Type
Bidding Has ConcludedEstimate : 100.00 - 150.00
To View Winning Bid
1099 - Seville, Spain, 1 real, Ferdinand-Isabel, mintmark S on reverse, no assayer.Sedwick & Associates, LLC
Seville, Spain, 1 real, Ferdinand-Isabel, mintmark S on reverse, no assayer. CT-358. 3.31 grams. Nearly full (and bold) legends on both sides includin
Bidding Has ConcludedEstimate : 70.00 - 100.00
To View Winning Bid
1100 - Seville, Spain, 1 real, Ferdinand-Isabel, mintmark S on reverse, + flanking shield.Sedwick & Associates, LLC
Seville, Spain, 1 real, Ferdinand-Isabel, mintmark S on reverse, + flanking shield. CT-371. 3.15 grams. Nearly full legends, weaker inner details, rai
Bidding Has ConcludedEstimate : 70.00 - 100.00
To View Winning Bid
1102 - Seville, Spain, 1/2 real, Ferdinand-Isabel, mintmark S plus * and circlets on obverse.Sedwick & Associates, LLC
Seville, Spain, 1/2 real, Ferdinand-Isabel, mintmark S plus * and circlets on obverse. CT-471. 1.61 grams. Broad-flan AXF with choice old toning, much
Bidding Has ConcludedEstimate : 150.00 - 225.00
To View Winning Bid
1103 - Seville, Spain, cob 8 reales, Philip II, assayer Gothic D at 4 o'clock outside tressure around crossSedwick & Associates, LLC
Seville, Spain, cob 8 reales, Philip II, assayer Gothic D at 4 o'clock outside tressure around cross. CT-235. 27.22 grams. Superb specimen choic...
Bidding Has ConcludedEstimate : 750.00 - 1,100.00
To View Winning Bid
1105 - Toledo, Spain, cob 4 reales, (15)95 date to right, assayer C to left.Sedwick & Associates, LLC
Toledo, Spain, cob 4 reales, (15)95 date to right, assayer C to left. CT-424. 13.68 grams. Bold full shield and cross, clear 95 date (the assayer very
Bidding Has ConcludedStart Price : 200.00 | Estimate : 250.00 - 375.00
1106 - Seville, Spain, cob 2 reales, 1590 date to right, assayer Gothic D below denomination and mintmark tSedwick & Associates, LLC
Seville, Spain, cob 2 reales, 1590 date to right, assayer Gothic D below denomination and mintmark to left. CT-541. 6.82 grams. Good full cross, full
Bidding Has ConcludedEstimate : 100.00 - 150.00
To View Winning Bid
1109 - Seville, Spain, cob 2 reales, 1597 date to right, assayer V below denomination and mintmark to left,Sedwick & Associates, LLC
Seville, Spain, cob 2 reales, 1597 date to right, assayer V below denomination and mintmark to left, unique (unlisted) assayer for date. CT-unl. 6.68
Bidding Has ConcludedEstimate : 150.00 - 300.00
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1111 - Seville, Spain, cob 1 real, 1594 date to right, assayer not visible, unique (unlisted) date.Sedwick & Associates, LLC
Seville, Spain, cob 1 real, 1594 date to right, assayer not visible, unique (unlisted) date. CT-unl. (Type 413). 3.36 grams. Full but slightly doubled
Bidding Has ConcludedStart Price : 80.00 | Estimate : 100.00 - 200.00
1112 - Segovia, Spain, cob 1 real, (15)95, date to right, assayer I to left, rare.Sedwick & Associates, LLC
Segovia, Spain, cob 1 real, (15)95, date to right, assayer I to left, rare. CT-657. 5.07 grams. Bold date, good full cross and nearly full shield, rat
Bidding Has ConcludedStart Price : 45.00 | Estimate : 60.00 - 90.00
1113 - Seville, Spain, cob 8 reales, 1603(B), rare.Sedwick & Associates, LLC
Seville, Spain, cob 8 reales, 1603(B), rare. CT-172. 27.23 grams. Bold full date but otherwise peripherally flat, full shield and cross, toned Fine+,
Bidding Has ConcludedEstimate : 250.00 - 375.00
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1117 - Seville, Spain, cob 4 reales, 1681, assayer not visible, S for 8 in date, extremely rare (unlisted tSedwick & Associates, LLC
Seville, Spain, cob 4 reales, 1681, assayer not visible, S for 8 in date, extremely rare (unlisted type and date). CT-unl. 11.35 grams. Full and bold
Bidding Has ConcludedEstimate : 200.00 - 300.00
To View Winning Bid
1124 - Mixed lot of 3 silver cobs: Potosi, 8R, 1765V-Y; Potosi, 2R, 1723Y; and Spain (mint uncertain), 2R, Sedwick & Associates, LLC
Mixed lot of 3 silver cobs: Potosi, 8R, 1765V-Y; Potosi, 2R, 1723Y; and Spain (mint uncertain), 2R, Philip III or IV. 35.41 grams total. F-VF with ge
Bidding Has ConcludedEstimate : 150.00 - 225.00
To View Winning Bid
1125 - Mixed lot of 4 Lima, Peru, and Potosi, Bolivia, cob 1R (3) and 1/2R (1), 1600s-1700s.Sedwick & Associates, LLC
Mixed lot of 4 Lima, Peru, and Potosi, Bolivia, cob 1R (3) and 1/2R (1), 1600s-1700s. 8.85 grams total. Toned Fine on average, generally good details
Bidding Has ConcludedEstimate : 60.00 - 90.00
To View Winning Bid
1126 - Mixed lot of 4 Spanish colonial silver-cob minors: 2R, Potosi, Philip IV (shield-type); 1R, Lima, 16Sedwick & Associates, LLC
Mixed lot of 4 Spanish colonial silver-cob minors: 2R, Potosi, Philip IV (shield-type); 1R, Lima, 1695R; 1R, Potosi, 1718(?)Y, with denomination as ...
Bidding Has ConcludedEstimate : 100.00 - 150.00
To View Winning Bid
1131 - Mixed lot of 9 Lima, Peru, and Potosi, Bolivia, cob 1R (3) and 1/2R (6), various dates (where visiblSedwick & Associates, LLC
Mixed lot of 9 Lima, Peru, and Potosi, Bolivia, cob 1R (3) and 1/2R (6), various dates (where visible). 18.44 grams total. Generally F-VF and toned,
Bidding Has ConcludedEstimate : 100.00 - 150.00
To View Winning Bid
1132 - Large, mixed lot of 64 small cobs (2R, 1R and 1/2R, plus one copper 4M) of Mexico, Lima, Potosi and Sedwick & Associates, LLC
Large, mixed lot of 64 small cobs (2R, 1R and 1/2R, plus one copper 4M) of Mexico, Lima, Potosi and Santo Domingo, various periods (some with dates or
Bidding Has ConcludedEstimate : 500.00 - 750.00
To View Winning Bid
1139 - Kings of Macedon, AR tetradrachm, Alexander III (the Great), 336-323 BC, late lifetime or early postSedwick & Associates, LLC
Kings of Macedon, AR tetradrachm, Alexander III (the Great), 336-323 BC, late lifetime or early posthumous issue of Tarsus, ca. 323-317 BC. Price 3038
Bidding Has ConcludedStart Price : 700.00 | Estimate : 700.00 - 1,000.00
1140 - Kings of Macedon, AR tetradrachm, Alexander III (the Great), 336-323 BC, lifetime issue, Tarsos, ca.Sedwick & Associates, LLC
Kings of Macedon, AR tetradrachm, Alexander III (the Great), 336-323 BC, lifetime issue, Tarsos, ca. 327-323 BC, struck under Menes or Philotas. Price
Bidding Has ConcludedStart Price : 600.00 | Estimate : 600.00 - 900.00
1141 - Kings of Macedon, AR tetradrachm, Alexander III (the Great), 336-323 BC, Amphipolis mint, struck undSedwick & Associates, LLC
Kings of Macedon, AR tetradrachm, Alexander III (the Great), 336-323 BC, Amphipolis mint, struck under Antipater, circa 325-323/2 BC. Price 79; Muller
Bidding Has ConcludedStart Price : 600.00 | Estimate : 600.00 - 900.00
1142 - Kings of Macedon, AR tetradrachm, Alexander III (the Great), 336-323 BC, Amphipolis mint, struck ca.Sedwick & Associates, LLC
Kings of Macedon, AR tetradrachm, Alexander III (the Great), 336-323 BC, Amphipolis mint, struck ca. 316-311 BC under Kassander as regent, 317-305 BC.
Bidding Has ConcludedEstimate : 350.00 - 500.00
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1143 - Kings of Macedon, AR tetradrachm, Alexander III (the Great), 336-323 BC, Mesambria mint, struck ca. Sedwick & Associates, LLC
Kings of Macedon, AR tetradrachm, Alexander III (the Great), 336-323 BC, Mesambria mint, struck ca. 175-125 BC. Price 1082; Mueller 481. 16.79 grams.
Bidding Has ConcludedStart Price : 325.00 | Estimate : 325.00 - 450.00
1144 - Kings of Macedon, AR drachm, Alexander III (the Great), 336-323 BC, Abydos, ca. 310-301 BC, struck uSedwick & Associates, LLC
Kings of Macedon, AR drachm, Alexander III (the Great), 336-323 BC, Abydos, ca. 310-301 BC, struck under Antigonos I Monophthalmos. Price 1560. 4.06 g
Bidding Has ConcludedStart Price : 200.00 | Estimate : 200.00 - 300.00
1145 - Kings of Macedon, AR drachm, Alexander III (the Great), 336-323 BC, Abydos mint, struck under AntigoSedwick & Associates, LLC
Kings of Macedon, AR drachm, Alexander III (the Great), 336-323 BC, Abydos mint, struck under Antigonos I Monophthalmos, circa 310-301 BC Price 1527;
Bidding Has ConcludedEstimate : 150.00 - 225.00
To View Winning Bid
1146 - Kings of Thrace, AR tetradrachm, Lysimachos, 305-281 BC, Byzantion mint, 2nd-1st century BC.Sedwick & Associates, LLC
Kings of Thrace, AR tetradrachm, Lysimachos, 305-281 BC, Byzantion mint, 2nd-1st century BC. SNG Copenhagen 1139. 13.73 grams. Diademed head of the de
Bidding Has ConcludedEstimate : 275.00 - 375.00
To View Winning Bid
1147 - Lydian Kingdom, electrum hecte (1/6 stater), Alyattes, 5th to 6th century BC, Sardes mint.Sedwick & Associates, LLC
Lydian Kingdom, electrum hecte (1/6 stater), Alyattes, 5th to 6th century BC, Sardes mint. 2.34 grams. Confronted lion’s heads (only the left is visi
Bidding Has ConcludedEstimate : 700.00 - 1,000.00
To View Winning Bid
1149 - Large lot of 23 Moesia, Istros, AR drachms, ca. 400-350 BC.Sedwick & Associates, LLC
Large lot of 23 Moesia, Istros, AR drachms, ca. 400-350 BC. 119.95 grams total. Two male heads facing, the left inverted / Sea-eagle on dolphin. Most
Bidding Has ConcludedStart Price : 1,840.00 | Estimate : 2,000.00 - 3,000.00
1157 - Byzantine Empire, AV solidus, Heraclius, 610-641 AD, encapsulated NGC XF strike 4/5 surface 3/5 clipSedwick & Associates, LLC
Byzantine Empire, AV solidus, Heraclius, 610-641 AD, encapsulated NGC XF strike 4/5 surface 3/5 clipped. cf. Sear 769. Heraclius, in center, Heracliu
Bidding Has ConcludedStart Price : 500.00 | Estimate : 500.00 - 750.00
1159 - Byzantine Empire, AV histamenon nomisma, Romanus III, 1028-1034 AD, encapsulated NGC XF strike 5/5 sSedwick & Associates, LLC
Byzantine Empire, AV histamenon nomisma, Romanus III, 1028-1034 AD, encapsulated NGC XF strike 5/5 surface 3/5. Sear 1819. Christ, nimbate, enthroned
Bidding Has ConcludedEstimate : 650.00 - 900.00
To View Winning Bid
1165 - Argentina (Potosi mint), 8 reales, 1813J, encapsulated NGC AU 53.Sedwick & Associates, LLC
Argentina (Potosi mint), 8 reales, 1813J, encapsulated NGC AU 53. KM-5. Lightly rainbow-toned with underlying luster, minor natural rim-flaws on obve
Bidding Has ConcludedStart Price : 1,000.00 | Estimate : 1,000.00 - 1,500.00
1168 - Argentina (Potosi mint), 1/2 sol, 1815FL, encapsulated NGC MS 61, rare, ex-Whittier.Sedwick & Associates, LLC
Argentina (Potosi mint), 1/2 sol, 1815FL, encapsulated NGC MS 61, rare, ex-Whittier. KM-10. Beautifully rainbow-toned and flawless, with underlying l
Bidding Has ConcludedStart Price : 800.00 | Estimate : 1,000.00 - 1,500.00