621 - Mexico City, Mexico, cob 1 real, 1655(P), ex-Pullin collection, rare.Sedwick & Associates, LLC
Mexico City, Mexico, cob 1 real, 1655(P), ex-Pullin collection, rare. S-M19; KM-unl (28); CT-unl. 3.3 grams. Clear date, most of shield and cross desp
Bidding Has ConcludedEstimate : 200.00 - 300.00
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622 - Mexico City, Mexico, cob 1 real, 1730R, ex-Pullin collection.Sedwick & Associates, LLC
Mexico City, Mexico, cob 1 real, 1730R, ex-Pullin collection. S-M24; KM-30; CT-1585. 3.4 grams. Full date and oMR, good full cross, deeply toned Fine+
Bidding Has ConcludedEstimate : 150.00 - 225.00
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623 - Mexico City, Mexico, cob 1 real, 1730, assayer uncertain.Sedwick & Associates, LLC
Mexico City, Mexico, cob 1 real, 1730, assayer uncertain. KM-30. 2.9 grams. Cute shape with hole at point, most of crown and shield and cross, clear
Bidding Has ConcludedEstimate : 60.00 - 90.00
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624 - Mexico City, Mexico, cob 1/2 real, 1655P, ex-Pullin collection, rare.Sedwick & Associates, LLC
Mexico City, Mexico, cob 1/2 real, 1655P, ex-Pullin collection, rare. S-M19; KM-unl (22); CT-unl. 1.3 grams. One hundred percent full date and oMP, fu
Bidding Has ConcludedEstimate : 150.00 - 225.00
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627 - Mexico City, Mexico, cob 1/2 real, 1730R, ex-Pullin and "Meseta Central" hoard.Sedwick & Associates, LLC
Mexico City, Mexico, cob 1/2 real, 1730R, ex-Pullin and "Meseta Central" hoard. S-M24; KM-24a; CT-1842. 1.7 grams. Bold date and oMR, nice...
Bidding Has ConcludedEstimate : 125.00 - 200.00
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628 - Lima, Peru, 2 reales, Philip II, assayer Rincon, motto as PL-VSV-TR, rare.Sedwick & Associates, LLC
Lima, Peru, 2 reales, Philip II, assayer Rincon, motto as PL-VSV-TR, rare. S-L1; KM-8; CT-479. 5.7 grams. Salvaged but with bold details, including fu
Bidding Has ConcludedEstimate : 400.00 - 600.00
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629 - Lima, Peru, 1/2 real, Philip II, assayer Rincon.Sedwick & Associates, LLC
Lima, Peru, 1/2 real, Philip II, assayer Rincon. S-L1; KM-3; CT-702. 1.2 grams. Bold crowned monogram, full but slightly doubled pillars with R to lef
Bidding Has ConcludedEstimate : 200.00 - 300.00
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630 - Lima, Peru, 1/4 real, Philip II, assayer Rincon, very rare.Sedwick & Associates, LLC
Lima, Peru, 1/4 real, Philip II, assayer Rincon, very rare. S-L1; KM-1; CT-761. 0.7 gram. Choice specimen with 100% full legends and inner details, ty
Bidding Has ConcludedEstimate : 1,000.00 - 2,000.00
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631 - Lima, Peru, cob 8 reales, Philip II, assayer Diego de la Torre, P-8 to left, *-oD to right.Sedwick & Associates, LLC
Lima, Peru, cob 8 reales, Philip II, assayer Diego de la Torre, P-8 to left, *-oD to right. S-L4; KM-14; CT-146. 17.1 grams. Good full shield with bol
Bidding Has ConcludedEstimate : 125.00 - 200.00
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632 - Lima, Peru, cob 4 reales, Philip II, assayer Diego de la Torre, *-4 to left, P-oD to right.Sedwick & Associates, LLC
Lima, Peru, cob 4 reales, Philip II, assayer Diego de la Torre, *-4 to left, P-oD to right. S-L4; KM-11; CT-317. 13.2 grams. Huge round flan with bold
Bidding Has ConcludedEstimate : 200.00 - 300.00
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633 - Lima, Peru, cob 2 reales, Philip II, assayer Diego de la Torre, P-ii to left, *-oD to right.Sedwick & Associates, LLC
Lima, Peru, cob 2 reales, Philip II, assayer Diego de la Torre, P-ii to left, *-oD to right. S-L4; KM-9; CT-489. 6.6 grams. Sharp AXF with slightly si
Bidding Has ConcludedEstimate : 125.00 - 200.00
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634 - Lima, Peru, cob 2 reales, Philip II, assayer Diego de la Torre, P-ii to left, *-oD to right.Sedwick & Associates, LLC
Lima, Peru, cob 2 reales, Philip II, assayer Diego de la Torre, P-ii to left, *-oD to right. S-L4; KM-9; CT-489. 6.0 grams. Lightly toned and slightly
Bidding Has ConcludedEstimate : 100.00 - 150.00
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635 - Lima, Peru, cob 1 real, Philip II, assayer Diego de la Torre, *-I to left, P-oD to right.Sedwick & Associates, LLC
Lima, Peru, cob 1 real, Philip II, assayer Diego de la Torre, *-I to left, P-oD to right. S-L4; KM-7; CT-634. 3.3 grams. Good full shield and cross, w
Bidding Has ConcludedEstimate : 70.00 - 100.00
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636 - Lima, Peru, cob 1/2 real, Philip II, assayer Diego de la Torre, P to left, .D to right, v/upside-dowSedwick & Associates, LLC
Lima, Peru, cob 1/2 real, Philip II, assayer Diego de la Torre, P to left, .D to right, v/upside-down v below monogram, rare. S-L4; KM-unl (5); CT-unl
Bidding Has ConcludedEstimate : 125.00 - 200.00
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637 - Lima, Peru, cob 1/2 real, Philip II, assayer Diego de la Torre, P to left, .D to right, v/upside-dowSedwick & Associates, LLC
Lima, Peru, cob 1/2 real, Philip II, assayer Diego de la Torre, P to left, .D to right, v/upside-down v below monogram, rare. S-L4; KM-unl (5); CT-unl
Bidding Has ConcludedEstimate : 125.00 - 200.00
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638 - Lima, Peru, cob 1/2 real, Philip II, assayer Diego de la Torre, P to left, * to right of monogram, nSedwick & Associates, LLC
Lima, Peru, cob 1/2 real, Philip II, assayer Diego de la Torre, P to left, * to right of monogram, no assayer mark, rare. S-L4; KM-5; CT-711. 1.2 gram
Bidding Has ConcludedEstimate : 200.00 - 300.00
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639 - Lima, Peru, cob 1/2 real, Philip II, assayer Diego de la Torre, P to left, .D to right, * below monoSedwick & Associates, LLC
Lima, Peru, cob 1/2 real, Philip II, assayer Diego de la Torre, P to left, .D to right, * below monogram. S-L4; KM-5; CT-unl. 0.9 gram. Good full cros
Bidding Has ConcludedEstimate : 60.00 - 90.00
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640 - Lima, Peru, cob 1/4 real, Philip II, assayer Diego de la Torre, * to left, P to right of castle.Sedwick & Associates, LLC
Lima, Peru, cob 1/4 real, Philip II, assayer Diego de la Torre, * to left, P to right of castle. S-L4; KM-2; CT-768. 0.7 gram. Full castle with bold *
Bidding Has ConcludedEstimate : 70.00 - 100.00
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