241 - Potosi, Bolivia, cob 8 reales, Philip III, assayer M/Q, Grade 1. S-P18; KM-10; CT-unlisted. 26.8 graSedwick & Associates, LLC
Potosi, Bolivia, cob 8 reales, Philip III, assayer M/Q, Grade 1. S-P18; KM-10; CT-unlisted. 26.8 grams. Solid and practically corrosion-free, with ful
Bidding Has ConcludedEstimate : 500.00 - 750.00
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242 - Potosi, Bolivia, cob 8 reales, Philip III, assayer M, Grade 1. KM-10. 24.6 grams. Choice bold strikeSedwick & Associates, LLC
Potosi, Bolivia, cob 8 reales, Philip III, assayer M, Grade 1. KM-10. 24.6 grams. Choice bold strike on roundish flan with full shield and cross, bold
Bidding Has ConcludedEstimate : 300.00 - 450.00
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243 - Potosi, Bolivia, cob 8 reales, (1618)PAL, rare, Grade 1. S-P20; KM-10; CT-130. 27.1 grams. CorrosionSedwick & Associates, LLC
Potosi, Bolivia, cob 8 reales, (1618)PAL, rare, Grade 1. S-P20; KM-10; CT-130. 27.1 grams. Corrosion-free and nicely toned, with full and clear assaye
Bidding Has ConcludedEstimate : 1,250.00 - 2,000.00
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244 - Potosi, Bolivia, cob 8 reales, (16)18T, denomination as O-V-III, quadrants of cross transposed and lSedwick & Associates, LLC
Potosi, Bolivia, cob 8 reales, (16)18T, denomination as O-V-III, quadrants of cross transposed and lions sideways, Grade 2. S-P21; KM-10; CT-unlisted.
Bidding Has ConcludedEstimate : 500.00 - 750.00
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245 - Potosi, Bolivia, cob 8 reales, 1619T, king's name in reverse legend, quadrants of cross transposed,Sedwick & Associates, LLC
Potosi, Bolivia, cob 8 reales, 1619T, king's name in reverse legend, quadrants of cross transposed, Grade 1. S-P21; KM-10; CT-134. 26.4 grams. C...
Bidding Has ConcludedEstimate : 400.00 - 600.00
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246 - Potosi, Bolivia, cob 8 reales, 1620T, Grade 1. S-P21; KM-10; CT-137. 26.8 grams. Deeply toned and coSedwick & Associates, LLC
Potosi, Bolivia, cob 8 reales, 1620T, Grade 1. S-P21; KM-10; CT-137. 26.8 grams. Deeply toned and corrosion-free, with full shield and crown and cross
Bidding Has ConcludedEstimate : 400.00 - 600.00
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247 - Potosi, Bolivia, cob 8 reales, 1622T, quadrants of cross transposed, backwards P punched over regulaSedwick & Associates, LLC
Potosi, Bolivia, cob 8 reales, 1622T, quadrants of cross transposed, backwards P punched over regular P for mintmark, Grade 2, rare. S-P21a; KM-19; CT
Bidding Has ConcludedEstimate : 500.00 - 750.00
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248 - Potosi, Bolivia, cob 8 reales, Philip III, assayer T, upper half of shield transposed, Grade 1, mounSedwick & Associates, LLC
Potosi, Bolivia, cob 8 reales, Philip III, assayer T, upper half of shield transposed, Grade 1, mounted in 14K necklace-bezel. S-P21; KM-10. 33.5 gram
Bidding Has ConcludedEstimate : 1,000.00 - 1,500.00
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249 - Potosi, Bolivia, cob 8 reales, Philip III, assayer T, quadrants of cross transposed, Grade 1. S-P21;Sedwick & Associates, LLC
Potosi, Bolivia, cob 8 reales, Philip III, assayer T, quadrants of cross transposed, Grade 1. S-P21; KM-10. 24.7 grams. Full but doubled shield and cr
Bidding Has ConcludedEstimate : 300.00 - 450.00
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250 - Potosi, Bolivia, cob 8 reales, Philip III, assayer T, Grade-1 quality but Grade 2 on the certificateSedwick & Associates, LLC
Potosi, Bolivia, cob 8 reales, Philip III, assayer T, Grade-1 quality but Grade 2 on the certificate. S-P21; KM-10. 25.0 grams. Solid flan with practi
Bidding Has ConcludedEstimate : 350.00 - 500.00
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251 - Potosi, Bolivia, cob 8 reales, Philip III, assayer not visible, Grade-3 quality but Grade 4 on the cSedwick & Associates, LLC
Potosi, Bolivia, cob 8 reales, Philip III, assayer not visible, Grade-3 quality but Grade 4 on the certificate. KM-10. 19.2 grams. Good full cross and
Bidding Has ConcludedEstimate : 150.00 - 225.00
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252 - Lot of 5 Potosi, Bolivia, cob 8 reales, Philip III, various assayers (where visible), all Grade 1. KSedwick & Associates, LLC
Lot of 5 Potosi, Bolivia, cob 8 reales, Philip III, various assayers (where visible), all Grade 1. KM-10. 130.9 grams total. Solid coins with full shi
Bidding Has ConcludedEstimate : 2,750.00 - 4,000.00
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253 - Lot of 5 Potosi, Bolivia, cob 8 reales, Philip III, various assayers (where visible), all Grade 1. KSedwick & Associates, LLC
Lot of 5 Potosi, Bolivia, cob 8 reales, Philip III, various assayers (where visible), all Grade 1. KM-10. 100.7 grams total. Solid coins with full shi
Bidding Has ConcludedEstimate : 2,750.00 - 4,000.00
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254 - Lot of 5 Potosi, Bolivia, cob 8 reales, Philip III, various assayers (where visible), all Grade 1 exSedwick & Associates, LLC
Lot of 5 Potosi, Bolivia, cob 8 reales, Philip III, various assayers (where visible), all Grade 1 except for one Grade 2 (which is Grade-1 quality). K
Bidding Has ConcludedEstimate : 2,500.00 - 3,750.00
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255 - Lot of 3 Potosi, Bolivia, cob 8 reales, Philip III, assayer R (curved leg) and T, all Grade-1 qualitSedwick & Associates, LLC
Lot of 3 Potosi, Bolivia, cob 8 reales, Philip III, assayer R (curved leg) and T, all Grade-1 quality but registered as Grade 2. KM-10. 77.8 grams tot
Bidding Has ConcludedEstimate : 800.00 - 1,200.00
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256 - Lot of 3 Potosi, Bolivia, cob 8 reales, Philip III, assayer T or not visible, Grade 2. KM-10. 69.4 gSedwick & Associates, LLC
Lot of 3 Potosi, Bolivia, cob 8 reales, Philip III, assayer T or not visible, Grade 2. KM-10. 69.4 grams total. Light to moderate corrosion only, full
Bidding Has ConcludedEstimate : 750.00 - 1,100.00
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257 - Lot of 3 Potosi, Bolivia, cob 8 reales, Philip III, assayer T or not visible, Grade 2. KM-10. 69.1 gSedwick & Associates, LLC
Lot of 3 Potosi, Bolivia, cob 8 reales, Philip III, assayer T or not visible, Grade 2. KM-10. 69.1 grams total. Light to moderate corrosion only, full
Bidding Has ConcludedEstimate : 750.00 - 1,100.00
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258 - Lot of 3 Potosi, Bolivia, cob 8 reales, Philip III, assayers M and T, Grade 2. KM-10. 74.1 grams totSedwick & Associates, LLC
Lot of 3 Potosi, Bolivia, cob 8 reales, Philip III, assayers M and T, Grade 2. KM-10. 74.1 grams total. Light to moderate corrosion only, full shields
Bidding Has ConcludedEstimate : 750.00 - 1,100.00
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259 - Lot of 4 Potosi, Bolivia, cob 8 reales, Philip III, assayers Q, M, T or not visible, Grade 2. KM-10.Sedwick & Associates, LLC
Lot of 4 Potosi, Bolivia, cob 8 reales, Philip III, assayers Q, M, T or not visible, Grade 2. KM-10. 93.0 grams total. Generally good shields and cros
Bidding Has ConcludedEstimate : 1,000.00 - 1,500.00
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260 - Lot of 5 Potosi, Bolivia, cob 8 reales, Philip III, various assayers (where visible), all Grade 2. KSedwick & Associates, LLC
Lot of 5 Potosi, Bolivia, cob 8 reales, Philip III, various assayers (where visible), all Grade 2. KM-10. 120.9 grams total. Generally good shields an
Bidding Has ConcludedEstimate : 1,750.00 - 2,500.00
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