Treasure, World, U.S. Coin & Paper Money Auction 29

Auction Details

The Esmeralda Collection of Coinage from Gran Colombia
The Nueva Granada Collection Part II
The Antigua Collection of Guatemalan Cobs Part I
The Arturo Rosenheim Collection of Lima and Potosi Cobs
Selections from the John Adams Collection of Admiral Vernon Medals
Mexican Silver Cobs from the Isaac Rudman Numismatic Cabinet
A Fine Collection of Latin American Crown Coinage
Fine selection of Shipwreck Ingots and Coins
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Bogota, Colombia, 1/4 real, 1821, mintmark BA without dot to left, denomination 1/4 to right, NGC AU861 - Bogota, Colombia, 1/4 real, 1821, mintmark BA without dot to left, denomination 1/4 to right, NGC AU
Sedwick & Associates, LLC
Bogota, Colombia, 1/4 real, 1821, mintmark BA without dot to left, denomination 1/4 to right, NGC AU 55. Restrepo-145.3; KM-79; KM-79.2. Broad flan w
Bidding Has Concluded
Estimate : 350.00 - 500.00
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Bogota, Colombia, 1/4 real, 1826, B.T.R., rare, NGC XF details / rim damage.862 - Bogota, Colombia, 1/4 real, 1826, B.T.R., rare, NGC XF details / rim damage.
Sedwick & Associates, LLC
Bogota, Colombia, 1/4 real, 1826, B.T.R., rare, NGC XF details / rim damage. Restrepo-148.1; KM-85.1. Fairly bold strike, with light rainbow toning a
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Estimate : 500.00 - 750.00
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Popayan, Colombia, 1/4 real, 1826RU, rare, NGC AU 55.863 - Popayan, Colombia, 1/4 real, 1826RU, rare, NGC AU 55.
Sedwick & Associates, LLC
Popayan, Colombia, 1/4 real, 1826RU, rare, NGC AU 55. Restrepo-147.1; KM-85.3. Bold but crude details, nearly full rims, toned all over (good contras
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Estimate : 1,000.00 - 1,500.00
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Bogota, Colombia, 1/4 real, 1828RS, NGC VF 25.864 - Bogota, Colombia, 1/4 real, 1828RS, NGC VF 25.
Sedwick & Associates, LLC
Bogota, Colombia, 1/4 real, 1828RS, NGC VF 25. Restrepo-146.2; KM-85.2. Somewhat crude strike (particularly the rims) but with all details clear, ton
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Estimate : 300.00 - 450.00
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Colombia, copper pattern 1/8 real, 1825-dated, first pattern of Colombia, unique and unlisted, NGC M865 - Colombia, copper pattern 1/8 real, 1825-dated, first pattern of Colombia, unique and unlisted, NGC M
Sedwick & Associates, LLC
Colombia, copper pattern 1/8 real, 1825-dated, first pattern of Colombia, unique and unlisted, NGC MS 63 BN. Restrepo-unl; KM-unl. Lustrous bronze co
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Estimate : 5,000.00 - 10,000.00
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Bogota, Colombia, 8 reales, 1835RS, NGC MS 63 ("top pop").866 - Bogota, Colombia, 8 reales, 1835RS, NGC MS 63 ("top pop").
Sedwick & Associates, LLC
Bogota, Colombia, 8 reales, 1835RS, NGC MS 63 ("top pop"). Restrepo-158.4; KM-89. Attractively deeply toned over faint luster, slightly o...
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Estimate : 1,000.00 - 1,500.00
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Bogota, Colombia, 1 real, 1834RS, rare, NGC VF details / cleaned.867 - Bogota, Colombia, 1 real, 1834RS, rare, NGC VF details / cleaned.
Sedwick & Associates, LLC
Bogota, Colombia, 1 real, 1834RS, rare, NGC VF details / cleaned. Restrepo-153.12; KM-87.1. Strong details with nice light toning over old and unimpo
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Estimate : 300.00 - 450.00
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Popayan, Colombia, 1 real, 1834RU, rare, NGC VF details / cleaned.868 - Popayan, Colombia, 1 real, 1834RU, rare, NGC VF details / cleaned.
Sedwick & Associates, LLC
Popayan, Colombia, 1 real, 1834RU, rare, NGC VF details / cleaned. Restrepo-154.20; KM-87.2. Broad flan with full rims, crude inner details with tiny
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Estimate : 400.00 - 600.00
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Bogota, Colombia, 1/2 real, 1835RS, rare, NGC VF details / cleaned, finest and only example in NGC c869 - Bogota, Colombia, 1/2 real, 1835RS, rare, NGC VF details / cleaned, finest and only example in NGC c
Sedwick & Associates, LLC
Bogota, Colombia, 1/2 real, 1835RS, rare, NGC VF details / cleaned, finest and only example in NGC census. Restrepo-150.5; KM-88.1. Full details but
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Estimate : 200.00 - 300.00
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Popayan, Colombia, 1/4 real, 1831RU, very rare, NGC Fine details / cleaned, Restrepo Plate.870 - Popayan, Colombia, 1/4 real, 1831RU, very rare, NGC Fine details / cleaned, Restrepo Plate.
Sedwick & Associates, LLC
Popayan, Colombia, 1/4 real, 1831RU, very rare, NGC Fine details / cleaned, Restrepo Plate. Restrepo-147.3; KM-unl (85.3 for type). Bold strike with
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Estimate : 500.00 - 750.00
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Popayan, Colombia, 1/4 real, 1832/7RU, rare, NGC UNC details / obv scratched.871 - Popayan, Colombia, 1/4 real, 1832/7RU, rare, NGC UNC details / obv scratched.
Sedwick & Associates, LLC
Popayan, Colombia, 1/4 real, 1832/7RU, rare, NGC UNC details / obv scratched. Restrepo-147.4; KM-unl (85.3 for type). Very sharp and bold details wit
Bidding Has Concluded
Estimate : 1,000.00 - 1,500.00
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Popayan, Colombia, 1/4 real, 1833RU, rare, NGC AU 50, finest and only example in NGC census, Restrep872 - Popayan, Colombia, 1/4 real, 1833RU, rare, NGC AU 50, finest and only example in NGC census, Restrep
Sedwick & Associates, LLC
Popayan, Colombia, 1/4 real, 1833RU, rare, NGC AU 50, finest and only example in NGC census, Restrepo Plate. Restrepo-147.6; KM-85.3. Bold strike wit
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Estimate : 400.00 - 600.00
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Popayan, Colombia, 1/4 real, 1834RU, NGC AU 50.873 - Popayan, Colombia, 1/4 real, 1834RU, NGC AU 50.
Sedwick & Associates, LLC
Popayan, Colombia, 1/4 real, 1834RU, NGC AU 50. Restrepo-147.7; KM-85.3. Very bold strike (except for the U of the assayer), slightly off-center, col
Bidding Has Concluded
Estimate : 250.00 - 375.00
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Bogota, Colombia, 8 reales, 1837RS.874 - Bogota, Colombia, 8 reales, 1837RS.
Sedwick & Associates, LLC
Bogota, Colombia, 8 reales, 1837RS. Restrepo-193.1; KM-92. 26.99 grams. Beautifully toned over muted luster, AU with a few old scratches on obverse, s
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Estimate : 250.00 - 375.00
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White-metal pattern for Bogota, Colombia, 8 reales, 1839RS, unique, NGC AU details / environmental d875 - White-metal pattern for Bogota, Colombia, 8 reales, 1839RS, unique, NGC AU details / environmental d
Sedwick & Associates, LLC
White-metal pattern for Bogota, Colombia, 8 reales, 1839RS, unique, NGC AU details / environmental damage, Restrepo Plate. Restrepo-6 (p. 170, type 19
Bidding Has Concluded
Estimate : 1,000.00 - 2,000.00
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Copper (off-metal) trial strike for Bogota, Colombia, 8 reales, 1840RS, unique, NGC AU 53 BN.876 - Copper (off-metal) trial strike for Bogota, Colombia, 8 reales, 1840RS, unique, NGC AU 53 BN.
Sedwick & Associates, LLC
Copper (off-metal) trial strike for Bogota, Colombia, 8 reales, 1840RS, unique, NGC AU 53 BN. Restrepo-unl (cf. 194.3); KM-unl. 21.24 grams; 36.5mm. M
Bidding Has Concluded
Estimate : 200.00 - 300.00
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Popayan, Colombia, 2 reales, 1840RU, NGC AU details / cleaned.877 - Popayan, Colombia, 2 reales, 1840RU, NGC AU details / cleaned.
Sedwick & Associates, LLC
Popayan, Colombia, 2 reales, 1840RU, NGC AU details / cleaned. Restrepo-188.1; KM-91.2. Choice details and nice luster, incomplete rims (slightly off
Bidding Has Concluded
Estimate : 350.00 - 500.00
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Popayan, Colombia, 2 reales, 1841VU/RU, rare, NGC VF details / cleaned, Restrepo Plate.878 - Popayan, Colombia, 2 reales, 1841VU/RU, rare, NGC VF details / cleaned, Restrepo Plate.
Sedwick & Associates, LLC
Popayan, Colombia, 2 reales, 1841VU/RU, rare, NGC VF details / cleaned, Restrepo Plate. Restrepo-188.2; KM-91.2. Flashy surfaces with colorful toning
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Estimate : 250.00 - 375.00
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Bogota, Colombia, 1 real, 1840/39RS, NGC XF 45.879 - Bogota, Colombia, 1 real, 1840/39RS, NGC XF 45.
Sedwick & Associates, LLC
Bogota, Colombia, 1 real, 1840/39RS, NGC XF 45. Restrepo-182.6; KM-91.1. Nice rainbow toning over luster, the center of the reverse slightly weak but
Bidding Has Concluded
Estimate : 200.00 - 300.00
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Popayan, Colombia, 1/2 real, 1841VU/RU, very rare, NGC VF details / cleaned.880 - Popayan, Colombia, 1/2 real, 1841VU/RU, very rare, NGC VF details / cleaned.
Sedwick & Associates, LLC
Popayan, Colombia, 1/2 real, 1841VU/RU, very rare, NGC VF details / cleaned. Restrepo-178.9; KM-unl (96.2 for type). Fully detailed but somewhat crud
Bidding Has Concluded
Estimate : 400.00 - 600.00
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