751 - Bogota, Colombia, cob 8 reales, 1668, assayer Po.RS., very rare.Sedwick & Associates, LLC
Bogota, Colombia, cob 8 reales, 1668, assayer Po.RS., very rare. S-B7a; Restrepo-M62.5; KM-12. 27.14 grams. Among the rarest coins to collect are Colo
Bidding Has ConcludedStart Price : 7,000.00 | Estimate : 7,000.00 - 10,000.00
752 - Bogota, Colombia, cob 1/4 real, Philip IV, style of assayer Ramos (1650s), rare.Sedwick & Associates, LLC
Bogota, Colombia, cob 1/4 real, Philip IV, style of assayer Ramos (1650s), rare. S-B7; Restrepo-M14.1. 0.72 gram. Tiny and unassuming, and only About
Bidding Has ConcludedStart Price : 400.00 | Estimate : 500.00 - 750.00
753 - Bogota, Colombia, cob 1/4 real, Philip IV, style of assayer Ramos (1650s), rare.Sedwick & Associates, LLC
Bogota, Colombia, cob 1/4 real, Philip IV, style of assayer Ramos (1650s), rare. S-B7; Restrepo-M14.1. 0.85 gram. Full-size flan but with only about h
Bidding Has ConcludedStart Price : 350.00 | Estimate : 500.00 - 750.00
754 - Bogota, Colombia, cob 1/4 real, posthumous Charles II or Philip V, style of assayer Arce (1704-1720)Sedwick & Associates, LLC
Bogota, Colombia, cob 1/4 real, posthumous Charles II or Philip V, style of assayer Arce (1704-1720), backwards lion and corded borders, unique. S-B11
Bidding Has ConcludedEstimate : 2,500.00 - 5,000.00
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755 - Guatemala, cob 4 reales, 1747J.Sedwick & Associates, LLC
Guatemala, cob 4 reales, 1747J. S-G1a; KM-11 ;CT-388. 13.04 grams. Full four-digit date (rare thus), decent detail for the type but typically worn (Fi
Bidding Has ConcludedEstimate : 300.00 - 450.00
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756 - Guatemala, cob 4 reales, 1749J.Sedwick & Associates, LLC
Guatemala, cob 4 reales, 1749J. S-G1a; KM-11 ;CT-390. 12.89 grams. Full crown and globes above nearly full date (very scarce), bold HISPA above full c
Bidding Has ConcludedEstimate : 300.00 - 450.00
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757 - Seville, Spain (special issue for use in the New World), 1 real, Ferdinand-Isabel, mintmark S belowSedwick & Associates, LLC
Seville, Spain (special issue for use in the New World), 1 real, Ferdinand-Isabel, mintmark S below crowned F on reverse, rare. CT-389. 3.19 grams. Bo
Bidding Has ConcludedEstimate : 400.00 - 600.00
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758 - Seville, Spain (special issue for use in the New World), 1/2 real, Ferdinand-Isabel, mintmark S flanSedwick & Associates, LLC
Seville, Spain (special issue for use in the New World), 1/2 real, Ferdinand-Isabel, mintmark S flanking crowned F on reverse, rare. CT-484. 1.20 gram
Bidding Has ConcludedEstimate : 400.00 - 600.00
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759 - Seville, Spain, 4 reales, Ferdinand-Isabel, assayer * to right of arrows, mintmark S to left of shieSedwick & Associates, LLC
Seville, Spain, 4 reales, Ferdinand-Isabel, assayer * to right of arrows, mintmark S to left of shield, rare variety with GRAN (Granada) in legend, Pe
Bidding Has ConcludedEstimate : 1,500.00 - 3,000.00
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760 - Aeolis, Myrina, AR tetradrachm, ca. 155-145 BC, Stephanophoric type.Sedwick & Associates, LLC
Aeolis, Myrina, AR tetradrachm, ca. 155-145 BC, Stephanophoric type. Sacks Issue 29, obv. die 33; SNG von Aulock 1665; SNG Copenhagen 222. 16.40 grams
Bidding Has ConcludedEstimate : 800.00 - 1,200.00
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