541 - Lima, Peru, 4 reales, Philip II, assayer small R (Rincon) to left, motto PL-VSV-LT, legends HISPA / Sedwick & Associates, LLC
Lima, Peru, 4 reales, Philip II, assayer small R (Rincon) to left, motto PL-VSV-LT, legends HISPA / NIARVM. S-L1; KM-10.1; Cal-495. 12.06 grams. Broad
Bidding Has ConcludedEstimate : 1,250.00 - 2,000.00
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542 - Lima, Peru, 2 reales, Philip II, assayer R (large) to left, motto PL-VSV-TR above denomination, legeSedwick & Associates, LLC
Lima, Peru, 2 reales, Philip II, assayer R (large) to left, motto PL-VSV-TR above denomination, legends HISPAN / NIARVM. S-L1; KM-8; Cal-333. 6.47 gra
Bidding Has ConcludedEstimate : 500.00 - 750.00
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543 - Lima, Peru, 1 real, Philip II, assayer R (Rincon) to left, motto PL-VS-V above denomination, legendsSedwick & Associates, LLC
Lima, Peru, 1 real, Philip II, assayer R (Rincon) to left, motto PL-VS-V above denomination, legends HISPANIA / NIARVM. S-L1; KM-6; Cal-209. 3.31 gram
Bidding Has ConcludedEstimate : 350.00 - 500.00
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544 - Lima, Peru, 1 real, Philip II, assayer R (Rincon) to left, motto PL-VS-V above denomination, legendsSedwick & Associates, LLC
Lima, Peru, 1 real, Philip II, assayer R (Rincon) to left, motto PL-VS-V above denomination, legends HISPANIA / NIARVM. S-L1; KM-6; Cal-209. 3.04 gram
Bidding Has ConcludedEstimate : 350.00 - 500.00
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545 - Lima, Peru, 1/2 real, Philip II, assayer R (Rincon) to left, legends HISPANI / IARVM.Sedwick & Associates, LLC
Lima, Peru, 1/2 real, Philip II, assayer R (Rincon) to left, legends HISPANI / IARVM. S-L1; KM-3; Cal-115. 1.78 grams. Very broad, thin, round flan wi
Bidding Has ConcludedEstimate : 250.00 - 375.00
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546 - Lima, Peru, 1/2 real, Philip II, assayer R (Rincon) to left, legends HISPAN / IARVM.Sedwick & Associates, LLC
Lima, Peru, 1/2 real, Philip II, assayer R (Rincon) to left, legends HISPAN / IARVM. S-L1; KM-3; Cal-115. 1.47 grams. Non-toned AU- with lightly porou
Bidding Has ConcludedEstimate : 200.00 - 300.00
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547 - Lima, Peru, 1/4 real, Philip II, assayer R (Rincon) to left, legends HI / SPANIARVM.Sedwick & Associates, LLC
Lima, Peru, 1/4 real, Philip II, assayer R (Rincon) to left, legends HI / SPANIARVM. S-L1; KM-1; Cal-94. 0.90 gram. Very choice specimen on a particul
Bidding Has ConcludedEstimate : 1,000.00 - 1,500.00
To View Winning Bid
548 - Lima, Peru, cob 4 reales, Philip II, assayer X below mintmark P to right, HISPANIARVM with H, very rSedwick & Associates, LLC
Lima, Peru, cob 4 reales, Philip II, assayer X below mintmark P to right, HISPANIARVM with H, very rare. S-L3; KM-11; Cal-497. 13.52 grams. Exceptiona
Bidding Has ConcludedEstimate : 2,500.00 - 5,000.00
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549 - Lima, Peru, cob 4 reales, Philip II, assayer X below mintmark P to right, HISPANIARVM with H, very rSedwick & Associates, LLC
Lima, Peru, cob 4 reales, Philip II, assayer X below mintmark P to right, HISPANIARVM with H, very rare. S-L3; KM-11; Cal-497. 11.74 grams. Smaller fl
Bidding Has ConcludedEstimate : 500.00 - 759.00
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550 - Lima, Peru, cob 4 reales, Philip II, assayer Diego de la Torre, *-oiiii to left, P-oD to right, ISPASedwick & Associates, LLC
Lima, Peru, cob 4 reales, Philip II, assayer Diego de la Torre, *-oiiii to left, P-oD to right, ISPANIARVM without H, ex-Stallard. S-L4; KM-11; Cal-49
Bidding Has ConcludedEstimate : 350.00 - 500.00
To View Winning Bid
551 - Lima, Peru, cob 4 reales, Philip II, assayer Diego de la Torre, P-4 to left, *-oD to right, HISPANIASedwick & Associates, LLC
Lima, Peru, cob 4 reales, Philip II, assayer Diego de la Torre, P-4 to left, *-oD to right, HISPANIARVM with H, ex-Stallard. S-L4; KM-11; Cal-501. 13.
Bidding Has ConcludedEstimate : 400.00 - 600.00
To View Winning Bid
552 - Lima, Peru, cob 2 reales, Philip II, assayer X below mintmark P to right, HISPANIARVM with H, very rSedwick & Associates, LLC
Lima, Peru, cob 2 reales, Philip II, assayer X below mintmark P to right, HISPANIARVM with H, very rare, ex-Stallard. S-L3; KM-9; Cal-336. 5.42 grams.
Bidding Has ConcludedEstimate : 500.00 - 750.00
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553 - Lima, Peru, cob 2 reales, Philip II, assayer Diego de la Torre, *-ii to left, P-oD to right, HISPANISedwick & Associates, LLC
Lima, Peru, cob 2 reales, Philip II, assayer Diego de la Torre, *-ii to left, P-oD to right, HISPANIARVM with H, ex-Stallard. S-L4; KM-9; Cal-338. 6.6
Bidding Has ConcludedEstimate : 300.00 - 450.00
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554 - Lima, Peru, cob 2 reales, Philip II, assayer Diego de la Torre, *-ii to left, P-oD to right, HISPANISedwick & Associates, LLC
Lima, Peru, cob 2 reales, Philip II, assayer Diego de la Torre, *-ii to left, P-oD to right, HISPANIARVM with H, ex-Stallard. S-L4; KM-9; Cal-338. 6.6
Bidding Has ConcludedEstimate : 200.00 - 300.00
To View Winning Bid
555 - Lima, Peru, cob 2 reales, Philip II, assayer Diego de la Torre, P-ii to left, oD-* to right, HISPANISedwick & Associates, LLC
Lima, Peru, cob 2 reales, Philip II, assayer Diego de la Torre, P-ii to left, oD-* to right, HISPANIARVM with H, ex-Stallard. S-L4; KM-9; Cal-341. 6.5
Bidding Has ConcludedEstimate : 250.00 - 375.00
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556 - Lima, Peru, cob 1/4 real, Philip II, assayer Diego de la Torre, P to left, * to right of castle.Sedwick & Associates, LLC
Lima, Peru, cob 1/4 real, Philip II, assayer Diego de la Torre, P to left, * to right of castle. S-L4; KM-2; Cal-101. 0.74 grams. Bold full lion, full
Bidding Has ConcludedEstimate : 200.00 - 300.00
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557 - Lima, Peru, cob 8 reales, 1684 V.Sedwick & Associates, LLC
Lima, Peru, cob 8 reales, 1684 V. S-L6; KM-24; Cal-589. 27.29 grams. Unusually round flan with choice full cross and pillars with particularly sharp f
Bidding Has ConcludedEstimate : 400.00 - 600.00
To View Winning Bid
558 - Lima, Peru, cob 8 reales, 1694 M.Sedwick & Associates, LLC
Lima, Peru, cob 8 reales, 1694 M. S-L11; KM-24; Cal-599. 27.21 grams. Weakly struck and low-contrast AU with choice full waves (also full pillars), go
Bidding Has ConcludedEstimate : 350.00 - 500.00
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559 - Lima, Peru, cob 8 reales, 1699 R.Sedwick & Associates, LLC
Lima, Peru, cob 8 reales, 1699 R. S-L14; KM-24; Cal-606. 27.12 grams. Lightly struck AU with luster on fields, technically full pillars-and-waves and
Bidding Has ConcludedEstimate : 300.00 - 450.00
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560 - Lima, Peru, cob 8 reales, 1700 H.Sedwick & Associates, LLC
Lima, Peru, cob 8 reales, 1700 H. S-L15; KM-24; Cal-607. 25.82 grams. Solid XF with traces of surface oxidation (dark spots), bold but off-center cros
Bidding Has ConcludedEstimate : 250.00 - 375.00
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